18 May 2024 @MÜPA, Budapest (HU)

Dress up adventure
How does an average day start? We jump out of bed, quickly put on our clothes, brush our hair, pack our bags and we're off to nursery on our favorite scooter. But what happens when we're really sleepy and we want to get up so badly that our body pulls us back to bed? What if the two legs of our trousers just won't slip over either of our legs and our sweaters keep falling off our backs? Our shoes start to take on a life of their own, our socks crawl up our hands instead of our feet, our combs get stuck in our hair and our skirts won't stay in place. And time is like a pair of tight pyjamas. It's not an ordinary morning. This is a Dress up adventure!
"What should I wear today? - this is the question Dress up adventure deals with, while Rita Góbi playfully discovers the most complicated ways to put on another and another piece of clothes. The bright colored, durable clothes are Fruzsina Nagy's great work. The unusual way of wearing jewels, shoes, gloves and other accessories can be easily mastered by kids perfectly, just by watching this show." - Tamás Jászay, Revizor
Dance and coreography: Rita Góbi
Music: Samu Csernák
Costume: Fruzsina Nagy
Set design: Ottó Szabó
Dramaturge: Tamás Somogyi
Lighting design: Eliška Kociánová
Lighting technician: Béla Kovács
Co-production partner: BábSzínTér
Partner: Műhely Foundation
Supported by: Nemzeti Kulturális Alap, Emberi Erőforrások Minisztériuma, Műhely Alapítvány, Sín Kulturális Központ, MOHA – Mozdulatművészek Háza /Orkesztika Alapítvány, Red Print,
Venue: MÜPA, Budapest (HU)
Date: 18 May 2024, 11.00
Photo: Marcell Piti, BábSzínTér