7 Dec 2024 @Eötvös 10, Budapest (HU)

A complex movement activity and dance performance for children.
Dance artist and choreographer Rita Góbi's playful performance based on movements and gestures about discovering ourselves and our environment for the youngest, performed by Gizella Noémi Nagy.
Sits down, stands up, looks around, runs right, jumps left, plays, explores. Look for. Find? What can the colorful box hide? Treasures or lumbers? Everyday objects? What should we do with shoes and fire or water? What should we do if we get stuck, if we get into our own hands? If our feet move backwards, if our head nods on its own? Let's try to discover! If so much for this, how much for that? How many fingers do I have? Is that my knee? If I jump to this, will I get there? Is it all me and nothing else? How everything is the same and yet how different!
Recommended for children between 2-5 years.
Duration: 25 min performance + 30 min dance education programme.
Director, choreographer: Rita Góbi
Music: Csaba Gyulai
Dramaturge: Tamás Somogyi
Performance: Noémi Gizella Nagy
Co-production partner: Griff Bábszínház, Zalaegerszeg
Supported by:: EMMI, NKA, Műhely Alapítvány, SÍN Kulturális Központ,
Venue: Eötvös 10 - Budapest (HU)
Date: 7 Dec 2024, 10h