Lukasz Rudzinski about Counterpoint
"Very unusual approach to movement and dance have Rita Gobi and Andrea Miltnerová in the performance "Counterpoint". The title is a reference to the insect movements performed in several different lengths and intensity scenes, imitating insect wings, abdomen movements, and their reactions to each other. Very interesting, dense and dynamic pictures (characteristic movements of wings imitated with hands) are set with minimal gentle movements of the whole trunk or unnatural bending of the bodies. Each scene is distinguished by the play of lights in a different way, but in addition to lighting, this ascetic spectacle is gaining a lot thanks to the trance, perfectly composed music of Jan Komárek, a variation on the world of insects. It is the bravest and most creative approach to dance at the Gdansk festival so far."
The article appeared on 5th of June, written by Lukasz Rudzinski. Read more here.