11-14. January 2018, Mu Theatre Budapest, Hungary - Orkesztika Foundation, SoloDuo Festival, workshop and performance
9. February 2018, Bethlen Theatre, Budapest, Hungary Vibration premiere
10. February 2018, Marczibányi Művelődési Központ, Budapest, Hungary Színházi lecke, workshop
20. February 2018, Marczibányi Művelődési Központ, Budapest, Hungray Little Candy
21. February 2018, Kaposvári Bábszíntér, Hungary Little Candy 3 times
10. March 2018, Újpalotai Közösségi Ház, Hungary Little Candy
23. March 2018, Spring Forward/ Aerowaves, Sofia, Bulgaria, Volitant
7. April 2018, Drei Raben, Budapest, Hungary performance with Tamara Mózes and János Nagy
16. April 2018, Amman Contemporary Dance Festival, Jordan, Vibration
29. April 2018, World Dance Day, Pas De Bridge, Budapest, Hungary
4. May 2018, TeatOltre, Corinaldo, Italy, Don't fuss!
5. May 2018 TeatOltre, Corinaldo, Italy, Little Candy
11. May 2018, Assitej Children and Youth Theatre Biennale, Kaposvári Bábszíntér, Little Candy
11. May 2018, Assitej Children and Youth Theatre Biennale, Kaposvári Bábszíntér, Volitant
12. May 2018, Vaskakas Bábszínház, Győr, Little Candy
16-17- May 2018, Divadelni Flora, Olomuc, The Czech Republic, Volitant
19. May 2018, MonoDance Festival, Bethlen Theatre, Budapest, Hungary Volitant
21. May 2018, Virágzás Napjai, Őriszentpéter, Hungary Little Candy
27. May 2018, Dance Marathon, Workshop Foundation, Budapest, Hungary Góbi Dance Training
1. June 2018, Act Festival, Bilbao, Spain, Volitant
10. June 2018, Korzo Theater, The Hague, The Netherlands, Volitant
11. June 2018, Korzo Theater, The Hague, The Netherlands, Góbi Dance Training
14. June 2018, Design without borders exhibition opening, Új Budapest Gallery, Hungary Snapdragons
15. June 2018, Poszt Off Program, Pécs, Hungary Volitant
22. June 2018, Pinokkió tábor, Bethlen Theatre, Budapest, Hungary Góbi Dance Training for children
23. June 2018, Night of museums, Új Budapest Gallery, Hungary Snapdragons
23. June 2018, Hungarian Dance Festival, Győr, Hungary Volitant
1. July 2018, Infant Festival, Novi Sad, Serbia, Volitant
9-11. July 2018, Moha Mozdulatművészetek Háza, Budapest, Hungary Góbi Dance Training, workshop
13-15. July 2018, Korespondance Festival, Zdar Nad Sazavou, The Czech Republic, Volitant
20-21. July 2018, Wakabacho Wharf, Yokohama, Japan, Vibration
28. July 2018, Morishita Studio, Tokyo, Japan, Góbi Dance Training
4-5. August 2018, Session House, Tokyo, Japan, Freestyle work-in-progress premieres
9-12. August 2018, FIDCMCMAX - International Contemporary Dance Festival of Mexico City, Volitant
26. August 2018, Design without borders exhibition finissage, Új Budapest Gallery, Hungary Snapdragons
9. September 2018, Dance Marathon, Workshop Foundation, Budapest, Hungary Góbi Dance Training
10. September 2018, Vojtina Bábszínház, Debrecen, Hungary Little Candy 2 times
21. September 2018, Linotip - Centru Independent Coreografic, Bucharest, Romania, Volitant
22. September 2018, Linotip - Centru Independent Coreografic, Bucharest, Romania, Little Candy and workshop
5. October 2018, Dance Theatre in Education conference, Hungarian Dance Academy, Budapest, Hungary presentation of Little Candy
19. October 2018, Bratislava in movement, Slovakia, Volitant
27. October 2018, Wekerlei Kultúrház, Budapest, Hungary Little Candy
30. October 2018, Bethlen Theatre, Budapest, Hungary Snapdragons premiere
4. November 2018, Modern Body Festival, The Hague, The Netherlands, Vibration
10. November 2018, Hagyomány és modernitás összművészeti nap, Góbi Dance Training for youth
November 13. 2018, III.Veszprémi Egyetemi Színpadi Találkozó, Hungary Góbi Dance Training
24. November 2018, Hagymányok Háza, Budapest, Hungary Little Candy
8. December 2018, Griff Bábszínház, Zalaegerszeg, Hungary Sit, Stand, Lay (guest choreographer)
17. December 2018, Óbudai Hétpettyes Óvoda, Szín-Kör-Játék Tagóvoda, Budapest, Hungary Little Candy